How to write high-quality specifications

A surprisingly high number of projects fail or are delayed due to poor quality of requirements. Focusing on requirements quality you will get more correct, more complete and more consistent requirements, you will improve the communication between the stakeholders, and consequently, save time and money.

During this course you will learn how to write high-quality requirements from the beginning.

Goals of the course

  • Understand the impact of low quality in a requirements specification
  • How different standards describe quality characteristics for requirements, and why it’s not sufficient
  • How different guidelines cope with the identification of rules
  • The different dimensions: Correctness, Consistency and Completeness
  • Templates and patterns
  • Tools to automate the requirements verification process


After the revision of different standards that try to address the enormous impact of low quality in requirements specifications, a hands-on session will identify the most common rules followed in the industry to write high quality specifications. The attendees will write their own specification, ensuring the conformance to the quality rules described during the course.

Pre-Requirements / Who should attend

  • Business analysts
  • Functional analysts
  • Project managers
  • Quality managers
  • Procurement manager


  1. The impact of poor quality in a requirements specification
  2. Quality characteristics: for documents and for individual requirements
  3. The 3 quality dimensions for requirements: Correctness, Consistency and Completeness
  4. Revision of requirement quality rules
  5. Requirements templates for requirements documents
  6. Requirements patterns to write consistent requirements
  7. The quality inspection process for requirements specifications
  8. Tools to automate the requirements verification process
  9. Practice and hands-on case


Duration: 1 day

Timetable: from 9am to 6pm (a break for lunch and two more coffee breaks)

Jose Fuentes

José Fuentes


Chief Operating Manager at The REUSE Company

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