RAT for Capella – a knowledge-centric approach
While Model Based Systems Engineering and Requirements Engineering can be seen as opposing means to support complex systems development, there is a fast-growing trend in considering the combination of both approaches.
Adopting a knowledge-centric approach, with artifacts originating from both models and textual requirements, helps better embracing the systems complexity.
Blending Models and Textual requirements is however challenging, as it requires to ensure consistency and completeness of the diverse knowledge sources.
This webinar will introduce the new version of the RAT – AUTHORING Tool add-on for Eclipse Capella, which goals are :
- to ensure the correctness of the requirements created inside a Capella project,
- to help requirement writers follow pre-defined patterns to standardize the formulation of well-structured requirements,
- to ensure naming consistency between the model elements and the textual requirements,
- to provide a complete round-trip between textual requirements in a Requirement Management Systems and models in Capella.
This new version is compatible with the latest Capella v5.0 and Team for Capella.
The webinar features a presentation of RAT – Authoring Tool for Capella as well as a demo showing functionalities such as :
- Pattern-based writing assistance,
- Real-time quality assessment,
- Automatic requirements link generation between model elements,
- Bi-directional synchronization of textual requirements with an external Requirements Management System (example with IBM Rational DOORS 9.6).
Wednesday April 21, 2021, 5:00 PM CEST (Madrid)/ 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles)/11:00 AM EDT (Detroit)
Thursday April 22, 2021, 9:00 AM CEST (Madrid)/ 4:00 PM JST (Tokyo)/ 5:00 PM AEST (Sydney)