The SE Suite from a customer’s perspective
F4E is the European Organisation managing Europe’s contribution to ITER, the world’s largest fusion experiment. Acting as prime, F4E is ultimately responsible for 45% of the ITER project. F4E authored 700+ technical specifications adding up to 80,000+ requirements in total.
The Systems Engineering Group adopted the SES ENGINEERING Studio from The REUSE Company to improve requirements quality and support the Requirements Management & Verification (RMV) process.
This presentation will focus on the steps that were taken to tailor the SE Suite to F4E’s needs, lessons learned and the results from the pilot projects which have started using the SE Suite.
So far, the assessment of requirement quality has always been rather subjective. Now, being able to quantify requirement quality using the SE Suite, it is possible to identify requirement quality trends of the different stakeholders and thus leverage discussions with respect to the clarity of specifications.
About the speakers

Aldo Schaaf holds a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Técnico Lisboa (PT), a MSc. in Automotive Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology (SE) and finalized his MSc. thesis in the automotive industry in Herzogenaurach (DE). He was selected to work as a Systems Engineer in F4E’s Traineeship program in October 2020, where he is since focusing on Requirements Engineering.
Aldo speaks Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish.

Ivan Bénilan has been working in Fusion For Energy (ES) since 2012 to implement Requirements Management & Verification on the European contribution to the ITER fusion reactor. He holds an engineering degree from Centrale Lyon (FR) and an Executive MBA from the International Space University. Ivan has the certifications IREB CPRE, INCOSE CSEP and PMI PMP.
He has trained more than 600 engineers in the space and fusion communities on requirements management over the past 15 years.
Ivan speaks French, Russian, English, German and Spanish.
Tuesday June 29, 2021, 9:00 AM CEST (Madrid)/ 4:00 PM JST (Tokyo)/ 5:00 PM AEST (Sydney)
Tuesday June 29, 2021, 5:00 PM CEST (Madrid)/ 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles)/11:00 AM EDT (Detroit)