Requirements with Numbers Library

While writing the textual requirements, using the numbers is not an easy task due to the numerous complexities that may arise: different measurement units systems, the usage of the decimal point or decimal comma, the stand-alone numbers, quantification of the vague adverbs (e.g. “approximately” vs a certain quantified standard). These difficulties become even more crucial in the international projects conducted across different teams.

Moreover, the manual treatment of each particular case is not an effective and scalable solution for the vast majority of system engineering projects.

In the Requirements with Numbers Library you will find:

By creating this library, we aspire to facilitate this task and standardize the approach to the numerical figures within your requirements. Download this library to put into practice our approach to writing numbers, inspired by the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements and ECSS Drafting Rules, but tailored to provide deeper coverage of the topic with our own metrics. This library includes 17 metrics, dealing with the numbers used in the textual requirements.

An illustrative and quick recap of our approach to numbers management can be found in the past webinar “When writing textual requirements, why is it more difficult to choose the correct numbers than to choose the correct words?”.



Related Links

Webinar: When writing textual requirements, why is it more difficult to choose the correct numbers than to choose the correct words?